Register With SDS

Welcome to Kennesaw State University! If you would like to set up an accommodation plan with Student Disability Services (SDS), please follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Complete the Online . The Intake Form serves as your formal request for services. You may complete this form at any point once you have been accepted into the University. The registration process takes time; all students are encouraged to register with SDS in a timely manner. Ideally, you should submit your request for services at least 4 weeks before the semester you will begin classes. Registering late in the semester can delay implementation of your accommodations. 

Step 2:

Upload documentation of your disability following the Documentation Guidelines with the Online . Alternative ways to submit documentation include fax, mail, or email. Please note that we cannot ensure confidentiality of information sent through email. Review the Contact Information link to get the contact information for your campus. 

Step 3:

Please allow up to ten (10) business days for your Intake Form and documentation to be processed. Your information will be reviewed by the Disability Service Provider (DSP) of your primary campus in order to determine your eligibility for services. You will be contacted through your KSU student email once your information is reviewed and provided with further instructions regarding your next steps. 

Step 4:

Once you have been determined eligible for services, you will be instructed to schedule an Intake Appointment with your DSP for your primary campus via your KSU email. During the Intake Appointment, your accommodation plan will be determined and you will be informed of the SDS policies and procedures. This step is required to finalize your registration with SDS. 


Documentation Guidelines

Students who are requesting accommodations must provide complete and current documentation of their disability to Student Disability Services as required by the  

The University System of Georgia (USG) general documentation guidelines include the following aspects: appropriate evaluators with identifying credentials and signatures on letterhead; documentation of a physical and/or mental impairment, which include a diagnostic statement based on the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and/or International Classification of Diseases (ICD); documentation of a current substantial limitation in a major life activity; identifying information of the evaluating professional.

Documentation for Specific Disability Categories

  • Brain injury can result from external trauma, such as a closed head or an object penetration injury, or internal trauma, such as a cerebral vascular accident or tumor. Additionally, individuals may acquire brain impairment as a result of neurological illnesses, such as epilepsy or multiple sclerosis. ABI can cause physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and vocational changes that can affect an individual for a short period of time or permanently. Depending on the location and extent of the injury, symptoms can vary widely. Understanding functional changes after an injury and resulting implications for education are more important than only knowing the cause or type of injury. 

  • ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more frequently displayed and more severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development. By definition, the disorder is developmental in nature, and therefore, diagnosis requires the manifestation of several symptoms prior to age 12 years. Furthermore, a diagnosis of ADHD is not sufficient, in and of itself, to determine appropriate accommodations. Therefore, objective data provided in a comprehensive assessment of cognitive processing and academic functioning may be required to establish the nature and severity of the student鈥檚 functional limitations. Such data may include, but are not limited to, the following: rating scale information, performance on continuous performance tasks, cognitive processing test results, and/or the results of achievement tests.

    The ADHD Verification form can be provided to an evaluator to elicit information needed to document ADHD. Please note that this verification form, although helpful in the documentation of the diagnosis of ADHD, may not be sufficient by itself in determining functional impairment. If this form is used, it is requested that the evaluator fills out the form in its entirety and provides the functional impairment in the academic setting.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders are characterized by impairment in several areas of development including social communication and social interaction across contexts, and the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities.

  • Communication disorders is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in language, speech and, communication. This includes difficulties in receptive and expressive language, including the production of sounds, articulation and fluency deficits, difficulty in the acquisition and production of language across modalities (i.e., spoken, written), and difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication.

  • Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing experience a reduction in sensitivity to sound. Amplification may not assist the individual in interpreting auditory stimuli. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing from birth may experience lags in the development of speech and most often have language-based deficiencies.

  • Learning disabilities is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical skills. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span. Problems in self-regulatory behaviors, social perception, and social interaction may exist with learning disabilities but do not, by themselves, constitute a learning disability. Although learning disabilities may occur concomitantly with other disabilities (e.g., sensory impairment, intellectual disability, serious emotional disturbance), or with extrinsic influences (such as cultural differences, insufficient or inappropriate instruction), they are not the result of those conditions or influences. (National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities: Issues on Definition)

  • Mobility impairments refer to conditions that limit a person鈥檚 coordination or ability to move. Some mobility impairments are congenital while others are the result of illness or physical injury. The functional abilities and limitations resulting from the impairment will vary from individual to individual.

  • Many different psychological disorders can interfere with cognitive, emotional, and social functioning and may negatively impact a student鈥檚 ability to function in an academic environment. Some individuals experience significant disruptions in mood, thinking, and behavioral regulation that are secondary to a psychological disorder. The symptoms and associated impairment may be either chronic or episodic. Complete descriptions and diagnostic criteria for psychological disorders are available in the current version of the DSM or ICD. Test anxiety by itself is not considered a psychological disorder.

  • Systemic disabilities are conditions affecting one or more of the body鈥檚 systems, including the respiratory, immunological, neurological, circulatory, or digestive systems. Systemic disabilities may change over time. Therefore, the need for - and type of - reasonable accommodations may require updated documentation.

  • Visual impairments are disorders in the function of the eyes that cannot be adequately corrected by medical or surgical intervention, therapy, or conventional eyewear. Individuals with visual disorders may not have any usable vision or the vision may be significantly limited.

    • Pictures of Emotional Support Animals or Service Animals
    • Pictures of medication
    • Prescription notes
    • An entire medical file from birth
    • A screenshot of diagnosis or medical provider portal

Regents Center for Learning Disorders

If your documentation does not meet the University System of Georgia requirements, or if you have never been tested for a learning disorder before, it is your responsibility to obtain the additional testing/evaluation. Below are some options to proceed:

Students who decide to be tested somewhere other than the RCLD should review the . 

Students who decide to be tested at RCLD should complete the online intake form and schedule an appointment with SDS to review the RCLD referral packet. The packet is not available online. Complete the RCLD packet in its entirety. The packet includes the instructions for completing the RCLD packet.

The total cost of the evaluation will be $500. Return the completed RCLD packet along with a check for $250 made payable to Georgia State University as a deposit to Disability Services. The balance of $250 should be paid at the first appointment with the test center.

Once the completed packet has been returned, Student Disability Services will submit it to the Regents Center for Learning Disorders. A representative from the Regents Center will review the packet and contact the student to schedule an appointment. The Regents Center for Learning Disorders is located on the Atlanta campus of Georgia State University, Urban Life Bldg., Room 1053. Their phone number is 404-413-6245.

Potential Accommodations

Below are some examples of possible academic and programmatic accommodations offered by Student Disability Services. Please note that any accommodation is granted on a case-by-case and highly individualized basis based on the functional limitations described in the documentation paperwork and by the student.  

    • Relaxed Attendance Policies
    • Note-Taking Software
    • Reasonable Extended Deadlines
    • Preferential Seating
    • Assistive Technology  
    • Extended Testing Time
    • Distraction-Reduced Testing Environment
    • Accessible Classroom Furniture
    • Lab Assistance
    • Text Materials in Alternative Formats
    • Word Processor with Spell Check
    • Test Scribe
    • Oral Testing
    • Large Print
    • Braille
    • Closed Captioning
    • Sign Language Interpreter 
    • Priority Registration
    • Classroom Access (if physical location is inaccessible)
    • Reduced Course Load (less than 12 credit hours per semester)


    • Adapted Physical Education Requirement
    • Adapted Foreign Language Requirement
    • Accommodations for Clinical, Internships, and Field Experience
    • Individual instruction
    • Class specific tutoring
    • Personal care attendant


    • Changing course content, structure, or teaching style.
    • Pregnant or Parenting?  (For accommodations related to pregnancy or parenting )

Housing Accommodations

Disability-Related On-Campus Housing Requests

Kennesaw State University believes that a residential experience for students encourages active participation and engagement in the campus community; provides opportunities to develop intellectually, socially, physically, and spiritually; teaches accountability for decisions and actions; and challenges students to express their individual and unique voices while respecting and valuing the voices of others. The residential experience at KSU offers students a variety of living arrangements in a number of distinct communities with varying amenities and support services. You are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity and to fully engage in your residential experience and all the outstanding resources that are available to you. For more information, visit the .

A student who desires to live on campus but requires some level of accommodation because of a medical, psychological or physical disability may request consideration of those accommodations through the following process. Applications for housing are processed on a first-come first served basis, so timely requests are critical to meeting individual needs. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations that allow a student the opportunity to participate in the residential experience in the most inclusive manner possible.

For students who have trouble concentrating and studying in their room, a single room is not typically warranted. Students are encouraged to utilize quiet study spaces around campus.

  • *These steps are for Non-ESA Housing accommodation requests.

    1. Follow the application procedures for on-campus housing. All applications are done online, so you will need to go to the . You will be able to get specific community information from the website and can check out your options.

    2. Follow the Steps to Register with Student Disability Services. This includes completing the intake form, providing documentation of a legally defined disability, and participating in an intake meeting with a Disability Service Provider. Information relating to a disability is maintained in confidential files in the SDS office.

    3. Complete the Application for Housing Accommodations and submit it to the SDS office. 

    Requests must be renewed on an annual basis following the process identified above. 

    1. Follow the application procedures for on-campus housing. All applications are done online, so you will need to go to the Housing and Residence Life website. You will be able to get specific community information from the website and can check out your options. 

    2. Complete the appropriate documentation form.
      1. If requesting a Service Animal, complete the Service Animal Registration Form and submit it to the SDS office. 

      2. If requesting an Emotional Support Animal, complete the ESA Documentation Request Form and submit it to the SDS office. 

    Requests must be renewed on an annual basis following the process identified above. 

    1. Submit requests for housing accommodations as early as possible following acceptance to the University. Requests will only be considered from students who are fully accepted. 

    2. Abide by all policies and procedures related to living on campus including license agreement, student code of conduct requirements, and financial arrangements. 

    Recommendations for housing accommodations will be made by the Assistant Director and/or the Disability Services Coordinator for Student Disability Services in consultation with other appropriate campus personnel and forwarded to the Director of Residence Life. Requests are carefully evaluated with consideration to the timing of the request, the severity of the condition, the feasibility of the request, and the availability of space. The goal is to support both the needs of the student as well as the goals of university housing. Recommendations are not binding on any other campus office, unit, department or agency.