No-cost/Low-cost Required Textbooks

Beginning Fall 2018, the University System of Georgia (USG) has required that USG institutions designate sections of courses whose course materials exclusively consist of no-cost (open or free textbooks) or low-cost course materials at the point of registration.

  • No-cost: $0 required costs
  • Low-cost: $40 or under required cost

Included in the cost caps are textbooks and other text-based materials, workbooks, lab manuals, online homework platforms, and codes or publisher-provided curricular materials for students.

Excluded from the cost caps are equipment (such as art supplies, calculators or physical lab materials) and fees for test proctoring.

You can view which courses are designated as no-cost or low-cost in the . Class Schedule Builder contains this information too! When adding courses search on section attributes for courses designated as no-cost or low-cost.

Questions regarding no-cost or low-cost designated courses should be directed to the department of the course.