ADA Accommodation Request Process

The following process will be followed for all employees requesting an ADA accommodation. Accommodations are made on a case by case basis taking into account the type and severity of the disability and the specific job requirements the employee is required to perform. Download the ADA Accommodation Request Process Steps.

Take These Steps

guy in business suit holding yellow sticky note saying americans with disabilities act.
  • An employee may request accommodation at anytime during the hiring process, when first hired or at any other time while employed by Kennesaw State University. Upon making a request for ADA Accommodation, the employee must submit an .

    Once Human Resources is in receipt of an Employee’s completed ADA Accommodation Request Form, the appropriate HR Business Partner will send notification to the employee to confirm receipt and schedule an intake meeting to begin the process.

    All information about the disability will be kept confidential except in the following situations: (1) supervisors and/or managers may be informed when restrictions or changes are made to the work, duties or schedules of qualified individuals with disabilities; (2) first aid and safety personnel, to the extent appropriate, will be informed if and when a condition might require emergency treatment; (3) department heads, such as the University’s Legal Officer, the Director of Parking, Director of Facilities or the ADA Officer for students may be informed when the accommodation affects or requires expertise in their area; (4) government officials engaged in enforcing laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act may be informed.
  • Human Resources may need to obtain additional information regarding the employee’s disability and alternative accommodation options from outside resources such as the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) or the ADA National Network. In addition, Human Resources may seek input regarding accommodation options from internal resources such as the Facilities, Parking and/or Legal departments and the ADA Officer for Students. Finally, Human Resources may meet with the Employee’s Supervisor regarding the essential functions of the employee’s job. 
  • Human Resources may request a meeting with internal resources such as the Employee’s Supervisor, Department head from the Facilities and Parking departments, the Legal Officer, the ADA Officer for Students and the University’s Diversity or EEO Office to discuss the accommodation request and to identify other possible reasonable accommodations which would enable the employee to perform the essential functions of the job.
  • Additional research is completed to estimate the costs associated with the accommodation(s) or to determine the feasibility of the accommodation(s).
  • As soon as administratively possible, Human Resources, utilizing input from the internal resources and external resources if necessary, will take one of the following actions: (1) grant the requested accommodation(s); (2) grant another appropriate and reasonable accommodation(s); (3) not grant an accommodation. A letter will be sent to the employee notifying him/her of the decision. If an accommodation is granted, the letter will detail the time-line and any additional steps for implementing the accommodation.
  • If an employee does not agree with the Determination, the employee may appeal the decision to the Asst. Vice President of Human Resources. The appeal must be submitted in writing within 15 days of being notified of HR’s final determination.