Updates to D2L Brightspace
This page showcases the latest features and improvements in D2L Brightspace. For information about course availability and D2L access information, please see our D2L Information for Faculty & Staff page.
January 2025 Updates
Update to Analytical Rubrics - set ungraded criteria to minimum or maximum level
A new feature for Analytical Rubics allows instructors to set all ungraded (not draft or published) criteria to the minimum or the maximum level. To access the feature, click the three dots next to the name of an attached Rubic within the Evaluation pane.
- This feature only works if the rubric has not yet been marked. The option will be inaccessible (grayed out) if previous marks were saved as draft or published.
- The feature is not available for holistic rubrics.
- This feature is not available if there is only one level defined in the rubric (since there is no mimimum or maximum level to select).
Consistent Evaluation Update for Assignments and Discussions
An update provides improved synchronization between the grade book and the Assignment and Discussion evaluation pages. Previously, if an instructor added feedback directly in the grade book and saved, the feedback did not sync back to the tool evaluation page, but now it does.
Important to consider (as of 1/31/2025):- If feedback on the evaluation page is in a draft state when feedback is added and saved on the Grades page, you will see an evaluation 色色啦 update on the Submissions page from "draft" to "published." This indicates that the feedback entered via Grades is visible to students (unless the grade item visibilty is set as restricted) and has been synced to the evaluation page. You must open the evaluation page and click the Update button on each submission to publish any scores that you may have left in a "draft" state. Using the bulk "Publish All Feedback" option will not push "draft" scores to the gradebook if you have previously saved feedback on the Grades page.
- Feedback saved to the Grades page will overwrite any text left in a draft state in the Feedback field of the evaluation page. You will not see the draft text when editing the feedback field on the Grades page.
Update to D2L Minimum Supported Browsers
The January update increases the minimum supported browser versions to:
- Chrome 129
- Edge 129
- Safari 18
- Firefox 130
The minimum legacy browsers are now:- Chrome 94
- Edge 94
- Safari 15
- Firefox 92
The following browsers are no longer supported:- Chrome 67
- Edge 80
- Safari 12
- Firefox 67
December 2024 Updates
Automatic Zero for Missing Submissions
An additional gradebook setting has been added which, if selected, will automatically apply a grade of zero to any Assignment or Quiz that becomes overdue. Please note:
- The activity must be associated with a grade item.
- The due date field must be set (not just end date).
- Special access considerations:
- Setting a future due date after a automatic zero has been applied will not remove the zero but the instructor can manually remove it.
- Once the assessment is graded, the grade will overwrite the zero.
Opt in to new Quiz Evaluation Experience
When evaluating a quiz in D2L, instructors will see an option to turn on a new evaluation experience or leave it off. If you turn it on and change your mind, click the small arrow on the evaluation screen to turn off the new evaluation experience. The new evaluation experience offers a layout that is consistent with the Assignment and Discussions evaluation experiences: a split screen with the submission at left and the scoring and feedback options at right. -
Kaltura MediaSpace Updates
The Kaltura video players have been updated to comply with Kaltura best practice and provide a better viewer experience. The transition should be seamless but should you encounter an issue, you need only to re-embed your video.
You now have the option to add YouTube video to KSU MediaSpace or to a D2L course using the D2L Editor (Add a File > Insert Stuff > Add Kaltura Media). You may also create video quizzes with YouTube media, using the same workflows as with other media sources. Please note that YouTube videos may be taken down by their owners so be sure to double-check your content if using them.
November 2024 Updates
Recycle Bin added to Groups Tool
A new Recycle Bin enables instructors to restore individual group units or entire categories within a course offering instead of needing to request D2L Support assistance. When you restore groups, existing enrollments and lockers are also reinstated (if present). Any activities linked to the restored groups, such as discussions or assignments, can then be individually restored through their respective restore pages.
October 2024 Updates
New feature for D2L HTML files
An orange border appears if you attempt to paste in HTML content that contains references to file(s) that exist in another course and therefore may not be accessible to the students in the new course. Clicking the border will open a pop-up notice encouraging you to add the content to the course from your computer.
September 2024 Updates
Improved Evaluation Experience in Assignments and Discussions
With the August release, there is a minor accessibility improvement. Use of an in-browser experience for Assignments and Discussions evaluation tools improves accessibility for screen-reader users and creates visual consistency across Brightspace. -
iPad now enabled by default for LockDown Browser
Respondus has now enabled iPad by default for LockDown Browser only. If you are also using Respondus Monitor, you may elect to allow iPad use. As always, instructors should visit the LockDown Browser Dashboard whenever copying a quiz with Respondus enabled into a new course. More information is available in the -
Updated Workflow to add SCORM files to D2L Courses
The D2L SCORM tool has been updated, providing a new workflow for adding SCORM files. Files added using the new workflow (New/Existing Content Module > Create New) utilize an updated SCORM player. The legacy workflow (Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy > Import) remains available but it is not recommended to use both workflows within the same course. This functionality is available to the D2L roles that can edit content: Instructor, Secondary Instructor, & Non-grade Instructor.
is available in the (keyword: SCORM).
August 2024 Updates
Email Status Field Removed from Review Assignment Submission Page
The email 色色啦 field has been removed from the Review Assignment Submission page. Learners will no longer see a "Confirmation Email Sent Successfully" message when submitting an assignment. Email receipts are still sent and may be found in the learner's inbox. Navigate to the Email Tool (envelope icon above Navbar) and filter by All Messages & sort by newest date. -
Updates to Discussions Tool
Deletion and restoration workflows consistent with Assignments have been added for group-restricted Discussions. If a group is deleted, the associated activities are also deleted and may not be restored unless the group is restored. Note: Restoration of a group requires intervention by D2L support and must be requested within 30 days. You may contact the or reach out to the for assistance. You will need to provide:
- The name (title, section, CRN) of the course the group was in (or a link to the course)
- The name of the group that was deleted
- The date the group was deleted
The Learner Reading View has been improved in these ways:
- The Start New Thread button appears at both the top and bottom of the page to reduce scrolling.
- The Add Attachments section is opened by default and is wider on the screen.