University Standing Committee
Academic Standing Committee, ASC (permanent)
Duties: This committee will evaluate petitions for exemptions to academic regulations in the area of admissions, withdrawals, retention, dismissals, grade changes, graduation requirements, and other matters of academic standing. The results of this work will be sent to the Provost and Registrar.
Membership: One elected representative from each degree-granting college鈥
Meeting Time: The Chair will set dates and times of committee meetings.
Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)
- 2022 - 2024
- 2024 - 2026
- 2026 - 2028
- 2028 - 2030
Adult Learning Committee (ALC)
Duties: The Adult Learning Committee (ALC) serves as an advocate for and facilitator of adult learning programs and prior learning assessment for KSU.
Membership: One elected representative from each degree-granting college鈥
Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)
- CM UG Coordinator
- ARCH Assistant Chair
Community Engagement Committee
Duties: Identify ways in which Kennesaw State University may work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships that strengthen the educational experience and help build community capacity, serve as a think-tank for the Executive Director for Community Engagement and provide recommendations on policies and practices that impact the connection between KSU and the larger community, and support and provide guidance for others at KSU seeking to develop and/or manage relationships with the larger community that support the learning experience. Membership: One teaching faculty from each degree-granting college
Meeting Time: At least once per semester
Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)
Digital Learning Advisory Committee
Duties: This committee will recommend and advise on policy related to digital learning. The
results of this work will be sent to the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost
and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs designee.
Membership: One faculty representative (appointed by the college dean) with demonstrated expertise
in digital learning from each degree-granting college (i.e., a Distance Learning Coordinator)
Meeting Time: Once per month during the academic year
Term: 3-yrs staggered
Education Abroad Advisory Committee
Duties: The Education Abroad Advisory Committee (EAAC) is a decision-making committee to review education abroad program proposals and to make policy recommendations for KSU education abroad programs. The EAAC works collaboratively with the University鈥檚 academic colleges and departments, various campus partners and education abroad stakeholders, and the Education Abroad Office (EAO) to support programmatic development and program quality through the review of program proposals and associated guidelines, policies, and procedures.
Membership: One tenured, tenure-track, or full-time, permanent faculty member elected from each academic college. Faculty elected to serve on this committee should have experience directing an education abroad program and have experience with budgeting and international risk management best practices.鈥 Meeting Time: Once per month during the academic year
Term: 2-yrs (colleges are encouraged to support multiple consecutive terms)
Faculty Development Committee
Duties: This committee functions as the think-tank for and oversight body for all faculty development programs
Membership: One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college
Meeting Time: At least once per semester
Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)
Foundation Award Committees
Duties: Members of these committees evaluate applications and select recipient of the following Faculty Awards funded through the generosity of the KSU Foundation. There are five committees.
Membership: One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college
Term: 2-yrs
Committee for Teaching Awards
Responsible for the Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Online Teaching, and Outstanding Part-Time Teaching awards
Committee for the Outstanding Research and Creative Award
Committee for the Outstanding Diversity and Inclusion Award
Committee for the Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Faculty Award for Distinguished International
Committee for Other Awards
Responsible for University Distinguished Professor, Outstanding Early Career Faculty,
and Outstanding Professional Service and Community Engagement
General Education Council (GEC)
Duties: The GEC is a faculty-driven, student-focused council. The primary goals of the GEC are to (1) develop and maintain a unified, integrated, and effective general education program; (2) ensure alignment with BoR policies, as well as KSU policies and mission; (3) identify and align the learning outcomes of core curriculum courses; (4) determine whether courses fit into the core curriculum; (5) communicate with administration, faculty, and staff regarding core curriculum and general education; and (6) serve as a resource to the KSU community.
Membership: Membership is limited to full-time faculty. Members may have administrative duties in their department or college at or below a director level.
Meeting Time: Monthly during the academic year
Term: 3-yrs (A voting member may serve two consecutive terms but must take at least one term off before serving again)
Graduate Policies and Curriculum Committee (GPCC)
Duties: The GPCC receives graduate course and program proposals from colleges and departments and ensures their compliance with University policies and goals for graduate education. This committee also approves changes in post-baccalaureate curriculum, including the addition or deletion of courses, approval of new programs or concentrations, and changes in program requirements. The committee recommends or reviews changes in graduate policies and procedures and monitors assessment of graduate programs. The committee鈥檚 recommendations will be directed to the Associate Vice President for Curriculum, Dean of The Graduate College, Provost, and President for their action, and to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for monitoring GPCC activities. The committee also makes recommendations regarding the curriculum development and review process to the Faculty Senate.
Membership: Two members of the Graduate Faculty (Full or Provisional 色色啦) from each college housing a graduate program
Meeting Time: Monthly during the academic year
Term: 3-yrs
CM Members
- Sanjeev Adhikari
- Minsoo Baek
Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC)
Duties: ITAC Committee is to: 1) facilitate dialogue between the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), the Faculty Senate, the colleges, and the operational units of the University; 2) provide a forum for students, faculty, and staff to make recommendations concerning access to and use of information technology; and 3) provide feedback about new applications, operating system upgrades, instructional technologies, and respective deployments. ITAC shall appoint working committees and subcommittees as needed to advance the work of ITAC.
Membership: One representative from each degree-granting college
Meeting Time: At least twice per semester between August and May
Term: 2-yrs
Library Advisory Committee
Duties: Advisory group to the Dean of Library Services and liaison with each college and group represented regarding library needs and issues. It will make recommendations and advise the Dean of Library Services in the development and refinement of library policies. The results of this committee鈥檚 work will be reported to the Dean of Library Services, Provost, and President.鈥
Membership: One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee (UPCC)
Duties: This committee evaluates proposed changes to the undergraduate curriculum for consistency with University policies and goals and forwards approved proposals to the Provost. This body provides periodic reports of its actions to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. As needed, this body makes policy recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding the undergraduate curriculum development and review process.
Membership: Two representatives from each degree-granting college
Meeting Time: At least twice per semester between August and May
Term: 3-yrs
University Faculty Committee on Global Engagement (UFCGE)
Duties: This committee will serve as an advisory group to the Vice Provost for Global Affairs and will represent their respective college or unit concerning global interests and issues. It will make recommendations and advise the Vice Provost in the area of global engagement and strategic planning, among other duties, as designated. The committee will review, measure and, evaluate strategic initiatives for global engagement programing, including the Global Engagement Certification. The results of this committee鈥檚 work will be reported to the Provost and President.
Membership: One elected or appointed faculty member from each degree-granting college to serve as that college鈥檚 representative and global affairs coordinator. It is recommended that each degree-granting college have a global affairs committee and the chair or an active member of that committee, who has conducted a study abroad trip, serve as the college鈥檚 representative and coordinator and assist in coordinating international activities within the鈥痗ollege on behalf of the committee.
Term: 3-yr, renewable