Committees, Councils, and Organizations

The CoACM committee workloads vary widely in the time and effort. The service efforts must be measured in terms of time, achievements, and alignment with Kennesaw State University and the department visions and missions rather than the number of commitments.

Click below to check the duties, membership eligibilities, meeting times and current members of the committees, councils, coordinators and organizations within the College of Architecture and Construction Management.

CoACM Internal Committees

  • Duties: 
    The CCC will oversee all curriculum changes in the College to verify that any changes are consistent with the goals and the strategic plan of the College. The CCC shall review curriculum proposals after the department curriculum committee and prior to the Dean. 

    Two T/TT faculty members from each department. When a department does not have two T/TT faculty members who are eligible to serve, its faculty will elect T/TT faculty from outside the department. Up to 1 part-time* faculty per department may be elected. Service is not obligated and should be agreed upon prior to elections. 

    Meeting times: 
    The CCC will meet as needed, but within two weeks after curriculum has been approved at the department level. 

    Term: 2-years staggered

    ARCH Members

    • Ermal Shpuza 
    • Arief Setiawan


    • 2021 - 2023 
    • 2022 - 2024


    CM Members

    • Amaal Al Shenawa 
    • Ali Keyvanfar (Chair) 


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2023 
  • Duties: 
    As set forth in the University Faculty Handbook, Section 3.7, the College Promotion and Tenure (CP&T) Review Committee serves as an appeal committee. Includes review of portfolios for tenure, promotion, and post-tenure review, as needed. The CP&T Committee shall not report to the CFC, but rather the CP&T Chair shall follow the workflow.Membership: 
    Two Tenured faculty members from each department  
    When a department does not have two tenured faculty members who are eligible to serve, its faculty will elect tenured faculty from outside the department. CP&T members serve two-year staggered terms.

    Meeting Times: 
    The CP&T will meet as needed to meet the schedule of reviews laid out in the University Faculty Handbook. 

    Term: 2-year staggered

    ARCH Members

    • Ameen Farooq (Chair) 


    •  2020 - 2023


    CM Members

    • Pavan Meadati 


    • 2021 - 2023


    External Members

    • Matthew Wilson (req by ARCH)
    • M. A. Karim (req by CM) 


    • 2022 - 2023 
    • 2022 - 2023 
  • Duties: 
    The CAC will establish, solicit, and evaluate applications for and select recipients of annual internal college-funded grants, except for the Dean鈥檚 RSCA Grant, which is evaluated in a double-blind format. This committee will also establish, solicit, and evaluate applications or nominations for and select recipients of college-wide faculty honors and awards. Awards may include but are not limited to the: College Distinguished Teaching Award, College Distinguished Scholarship Award, College Distinguished Service Award, College Advising Award, College e-Learning Award, College Distinguished Staff Award, and recognition of time-in-rank. The result of this committee鈥檚 work is sent to the CFC. The Dean and CAC Chair are to determine annual awards to be offered and schedule for committee work.

    Two T/TT (with three-year review completed) faculty members from each department. When a department does not have two T/TT (with three-year review completed) faculty members who are eligible to serve, its faculty will elect tenured faculty from outside the department. Two staff members will be elected by the CSC to serve in the CAC.

    Meeting times: 
    The CAC shall meet as often as deemed appropriate by the committee membership and called by the committee Chair, CFC Chair, or the Dean.

    Term: 3-years staggered

    CM Members

    • Md Hossain


    • 2022 - 2025
  • Duties:  
    DEI provides resources that promote equal access and opportunity for all CACM faculty, staff, and students, in order to achieve a prosperous society. DEI is to advocate for policies and a 5-year strategic plan that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students in the CACM workplace. The mission is to foster an inclusive learning and work environment that promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, difference through initiatives, operating programs, research, services, and training.  Ad-hoc committees shall report to the CFC.

    Diversity liaison is the chair of DEI.  In addition to the chair, two T/TT faculty members from each department. Diversity /DEI members serve two-year staggered terms.

    Meeting Times: 
    The DEI members will meet as needed for planning, monitoring the progress of actions, and policy developments.

    Term: 2-years staggered

    CM Members

    • Ali Keyvanfar (Chair) 
    • Amaal Al Shenawa
    • Sanjeev Adhikari


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024


    ARCH Members

    • Mine Hashas-Degertekin
    • Trace Gainey


    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024

CoACM Internal Councils

  • Duties: 
    The CFC is advisory to the Dean, who holds decision-making authority at the college level. The CFC serves as the reporting body to the Dean. All other college committees, except the CP&T, ELC, SAC, and CSC committees (abbreviations are explained in the following), shall serve as standing or ad-hoc committees under the charge of the CFC, and report to the CFC. The purpose of the CFC is to promote collegiality and effective shared governance of the college by increasing the transparency and two-way communication between the faculty and the Dean with regards to the development and implementation of policy, including, but not limited to, the following areas: Strategic planning; Annual budgeting; Hiring; Space and resource allocation; Reassign-time, Salaries and raises, Appointment and reports of ad hoc committees; and additional areas may be determined on a yearly basis through discussion between the dean and the CFC. The Dean may provide routine updates to the CFC on items listed above as progress is made, or when requested by the CFC Chair. 

    Three Tenured (T)/Tenure-Track (TT) faculty members from each department. When a department does not have three T/TT faculty members who are eligible to serve, its faculty will elect T/TT faculty from outside the department. Up to 1 part-time, non-voting member (*), faculty per department may be elected. Service is not obligated and should be agreed upon prior to elections.

    Meeting times: 
    The CFC should meet as often as deemed appropriate by the council membership and called by the chair, but in any case, shall meet no less frequently than twice each fall and spring semester. The CFC may continue functioning during the summer months. 

    Term: 3-years staggered

    ARCH Members

    • William Carpenter
    • Ermal Shpuza 
    • Michael Carroll (Chair 2022)


    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2025
    • 2021 - 2023

    CM Members

    • Md. Hussain 
    • Zuhair El-Itr 
    • Ali Keyvanfar


    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2024
  • Duties: 
    The CSC is to provide oversight and guidance to the needs and requirements of the staff. The purpose of the CSC is to promote collegiality and effective shared governance of the college by increasing the transparency and two-way communication between the  
    staff and the Dean with regards to the development and implementation of policy, including, but not limited to, the following areas: Strategic planning and staff development; Annual budgeting; Hiring; Space and resource allocation; and Additional areas may be determined on a yearly basis through discussion between the dean and the CSC. The result of this committee鈥檚 work is sent to the Dean. 

    Three elected members of college staff will serve on this council.  
    The college representative to the Staff Senate will be a non-voting member of the CSC. 

    Meeting times: 

    The CSC shall meet as often as deemed appropriate by the committee membership and called by the Committee Chair or the Dean. Service is not obligated and should be agreed upon prior to elections. 

    Term: 2-years staggered


    • Dorianne Gutierrez (USS Rep) 


    • NA 


    • Rachel Kidd-Chancey 
    • Rachel Johnson


    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024 
  • Duties: 
    The ELC is an independent organization providing support and assistance to the College of Architecture and Construction Management at Kennesaw State University (KSU). The mission of the Council is to advise the college regarding its progress and interactions with individuals, corporations, and agencies external to KSU, and to develop, plan and facilitate specific targeted activities that advance college goals through outreach. Fundraising and promotion are key goals of this group. 

    The Dean of the College of Architecture and Construction Management is a permanent member of the Council and cannot be Chair of the Council. The Development Officer of the college is a permanent member of the Council and cannot be Chair of the Council. 
    See ELC by-laws for more specific definitions and procedures regarding membership. 

    Term: Negotiable


    • Andrew Phillip Payne (Co-Chair) 
    • Beth Lowry (Co-Chair) 
    • Brian Newsome 
    • Rick Fredlund 
    • Don Davidson 
    • Melissa Cantrell 
    • Dan Garcia 
    • David Millican 
    • Andrew Tatnall 


    • NA
    • NA
    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2022
    • 2022
    • 2022
    • NA
  • Duties: 
    The Dean鈥檚 Student Advisory Council for the CoACM is to discuss college-specific issues regarding academics, social, professional, and student success, as defined in the SAC By-Laws. 

    Student membership requires a student with a major in the College of Architecture and Construction Management. Ideal membership includes Graduate Students, International Students, students from each Department in the COACM, College Senator, and Distance Students. There are no fees associated with membership. Membership is to range across all academic years and programs within the college. 

    Term: 1-year max in leadership role


    • Falak Alam - ARCH
    • Javier Molina - ARCH 
    • Elijah Swift - ARCH 
    • Sara Clement - ARCH 
    • Ian Willis - ARCH 
    • Hunter Peterson - CM 
    • Holden Looper - CM (President) 
    • Monica Silva  - CM
    • Raymond Strickland - CM 
    • Poonam Mahadev Karoti - CM GRAD 
    • Shreedhar Adhikari - CM GRAD


    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023

Departmental Representatives

  • (Advisory to the Provost/VPAA and the university President)  

    The primary functions of the Faculty Senate are to facilitate faculty participation in the establishment of university policies for the benefit and welfare of the institution, to inquire into any matters that have implications for the academic development and functioning of the university and to make recommendations concerning such matters, and to be a channel of communications between and among the faculty and the university President, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, and other persons and bodies. 

    Each department elects one Senator who is a member of the corps of instruction鈥攊.e., lecturer, senior lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor or duly certified librarian鈥攚ho does not have ex officio faculty 色色啦 as a result of an appointment to an administrative office  
    Term: 3-year

    ARCH Members

    •  Michael Carroll 


    • 2022 - 2025


    CM Members

    • Lantz Holtzhower


    • 2021 -2024
  • Assessment and evaluation prior learning to assist students in advancement of their graduation plan 

    Each department elects one Senator who is a member of the corps of instruction鈥攊.e., lecturer, senior lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor or duly certified librarian鈥攚ho does not have ex officio faculty 色色啦 as a result of an appointment to an administrative office  
    Term: Permanent

    ARCH Members

    • Assistant Chair 




    CM Members

    • UG Coordinator 



  • Duties: 
    The purpose of the Part-Time Faculty Council is to identify, address, and advance the needs and interests of part-time faculty members at Kennesaw State University. The PTFC is a standing committee advisory to the Faculty Senate and the Provost. The PTFC operates under the supervision of the FSEC, whose membership includes a liaison to the PTFC. A member of the PTFC, ordinarily but not necessarily the President, will represent that body in the Faculty Senate. The PTFC representative will function as a full voting member of the Faculty Senate, with the same rights of participation and voting as a senator representing an academic department. The PTFC is represented in university-wide shared governance via the Faculty Senate; the PTFC is not directly represented in the University Council. 

    Members must be employed as part-time instructors by Kennesaw State University in the fall semester of each academic year. If a member elected in the fall is not employed in the spring semester but will be returning in the next fall semester, the member may maintain the position on the PTFC. If the member does not return the next fall, the chair of that member鈥檚 department will be notified, and a new representative will be elected by the department.

    Term: 2-year 

    ARCH Members

    • Kevin Dougherty 


    • 2021 - 2023


    CM Members

    • Lloyd 鈥淏ruce鈥 Grant 


    • 2022 - 2024


    ARCH & CM Members

    • Arezou Shafaghat 


    • 2022 - 2024

Departmental Committees

  • Duties: 
    Responsible for providing input to the Chair about department issues, and writing guidelines/policies dealing with, workload, teaching load, hiring strategies, overall goals, ideas about new programs etc. 

    Two tenure track faculty and one Lecturer/Senior Lecturer. The Chair of the DFC will be a tenured faculty member elected by members of the committee. 

    Meeting times:  
    Irregular, usually 3-4 times per academic year 

    Term: 2-year

    ARCH Members

    • Peter Pittman (Chair) 
    • Bronne Dytoc 
    • Selen Okcu


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024


    CM Members

    • Pavan Meadati (Chair)
    • Minsoo Baek
    • Michael Collins


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024
  • Duties: 
    Oversees all changes in curriculum; is the first step in seeking approval for new courses, programs, program changes, changes in prerequisites, catalog descriptions etc. This committee shall periodically review the departmental curriculum and make recommendations about modifications of the curriculum. Also provides oversight for Special Topics and Advanced Topics courses. Chair is responsible for monitoring progress of paperwork to College and University Curriculum committees; Chair (or designee) will represent department at College and/or University Curriculum Committee meetings to present proposals. 

    Two tenure track faculty and one Lecturer/Senior Lecturer. The Chair of the Curriculum Committee will be a tenured faculty member elected by members of the committee 

    Term: 2-years staggered 

    ARCH Undergraduate Members

    • Tim Frank (Chair) 
    • Peter Pittman 
    • Jeffrey Collins
    • Saleh Uddin 
    • Marietta Monaghan 


    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024


    CM Undergraduate Members

    • Lantz Holtzhower
    • Jacqueline Stephens 
    • Hussein Abaza (Chair)


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2023


    CM Graduate Members

    • Pavan Meadati (Chair) 
    • Sanjeev Adhikari 
    • Ray Godfrey


    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024
  • Duties:
    Evaluates portfolios for Tenure, Promotion, and 3rd year review. Writes letter that go into faculty鈥檚 portfolio. Reviews department T&P guidelines and makes recommendation for revisions to department Chair 

    ARCH: Five full-time tenured faculty; individuals going up for review should not serve on this committee the year they are up for review (in which case a one year replacement will be elected).  

    CM: Three full-time tenured faculty; individuals going up for review should not serve on this committee the year they are up for review (in which case a one year replacement will be elected); when possible. If needed, one or more tenured faculty shall be from another department within the College of Architecture and Construction Management or, with the Deans approval, from another department at the university. The Committee shall be chaired by a tenured faculty preferably from the CM Department.
    3-years staggered

    ARCH Members

    • Ermal Shpuza (Chair) 
    • M. Saleh Uddin 
    • Michael Carroll 
    • Bill Carpenter
    • Joe Thomas (COTA) 


    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2025


    CM Members

    • Zuhair El-Itr (Chair) 
    • Parminder Juneja 
    • Hussein Abaza 


    • 2020 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2025
    • 2022 - 2025
  • ARCH Members

    • As determined by Chair or Dean




    CM Members

    • As determined by Chair or Dean



  • Duties:

    ARCH: Organize and coordinate all scholarship opportunities specific to the field and department. This includes both internal and Foundation based scholarships, state and nationally available scholarships as well as profession specific scholarships. 


    ARCH: Five full-time tenured faculty; individuals going up for review should not serve on this committee the year they are up for review (in which case a one-year replacement will be elected).  

    Meeting Time: 

    ARCH: The ASC should hold two informational presentations to the student body per academic year; one in the fall and one in the spring. The Committee meets several times per year with intensive effort in early spring semester. 

    Term: 2-years renewable/staggered 

    ARCH Members

    • Saleh Uddin 
    • Arief Setiawan 
    • Zamila Karimi 


    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2023


    ARCH Members

    • Amaal Al Shenawa 
    • Sanjeev Adhikari 
    • Minsoo Baek 
    • Md. F. Hossain (Chair)
    • Pavan Meadati 


    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2023
  • Term: 2-year 

    ARCH Members

    • Jeffrey Collins
    • Zamila Karimi
    • Jade Yang 


    • 2021 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2024


    CM Members

    • Sanjeev Adhikari


    • 2021 - 2023
  • Term: 2-year 

    ARCH Members

    • Keif Schleifer


    • 2022 - 2023


    • Sanjeev Adhikari 
    • 2022 - 2024

Departmental Program Coordinators

  • 3-yr assignment with 5-yr limit and renewal 


    • 1st Year Studio

    • Accelerated Track
    • 2nd Year Studio   
    • 3rd Year Studio
    • Integrative Studio 
    • Urban Design Studio
    • Focus Studio 
    • Thesis
    • Cultures Sequence
    • DeCOM Sequence 
    • Structures Sequence 
    • Professional Practice Sequence
    • Environ. Tech. Sequence


    • Arief Setiawan 
    • Bronne Dytoc 
    • Peter Pittman
    • Giovanni Loreto
    • William Carpenter
    • Tim Frank
    • Ameen Farooq
    • Pegah Zamani
    • Arief Setiawan 
    • Marietta Monaghan
    • Jeffrey Collins
    • Bronne Dytoc
    • Michael Carroll
    • OPEN


    • 2015 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2022 - 2025
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2022
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2020 - 2023
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2024
    • 2021 - 2024
  • Assignment

    • CM Graduate Program   
    • CM Undergraduate 
    • CM Minor  
    • Facilities Mgt Concentration  
    • Land Development Certificate  
    • Project Management Certificate  
    • Specialty Const. Certificate 


    • Sanjeev Adhikari
    • Hussein Abaza
    • Hussein Abaza
    • Lantz Holtzhower
    • Jackie Stephens
    • Jackie Stephens
    • Jackie Stephens


    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2021
    • 2021

University Standing Committee

  • Duties: 
    This committee will evaluate petitions for exemptions to academic regulations in the area of admissions, withdrawals, retention, dismissals, grade changes, graduation requirements, and other matters of academic standing. The results of this work will be sent to the Provost and Registrar. 

    One elected representative from each degree-granting college鈥 

    Meeting Time: 
    The Chair will set dates and times of committee meetings. 

    Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)


    • NA
    • NA
    • NA
    • NA


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2024 - 2026
    • 2026 - 2028
    • 2028 - 2030
  • Duties: 
    The Adult Learning Committee (ALC) serves as an advocate for and facilitator of adult learning programs and prior learning assessment for KSU. 

    One elected representative from each degree-granting college鈥 

    2-yrs (Alternating Departments)


    • CM UG Coordinator 
    • ARCH Assistant Chair 


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2024 - 2026
  • Duties: 
    Identify ways in which Kennesaw State University may work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships that strengthen the educational experience and help build community capacity, serve as a think-tank for the Executive Director for Community Engagement and provide recommendations on policies and practices that impact the connection between KSU and the larger community, and support and provide guidance for others at KSU seeking to develop and/or manage relationships with the larger community that support the learning experience. 
    One teaching faculty from each degree-granting college 

    Meeting Time: 
    At least once per semester 

    Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)

    CM Members

    • Amaal Al Shenawa
    • NA


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2026 - 2028


    ARCH Members

    • NA
    • NA


    • 2024 - 2026
    • 2028 - 2030
  • Duties: 
    This committee will recommend and advise on policy related to digital learning. The results of this work will be sent to the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs designee.

    One faculty representative (appointed by the college dean) with demonstrated expertise in digital learning from each degree-granting college (i.e., a Distance Learning Coordinator)

    Meeting Time: 
    Once per month during the academic year

    Term: 3-yrs staggered

    ARCH Members

    • Arezou Shafaghat


    • 2022 - 2025
  • Duties: 
    The Education Abroad Advisory Committee (EAAC) is a decision-making committee to review education abroad program proposals and to make policy recommendations for KSU education abroad programs. The EAAC works collaboratively with the University鈥檚 academic colleges and departments, various campus partners and education abroad stakeholders, and the Education Abroad Office (EAO) to support programmatic development and program quality through the review of program proposals and associated guidelines, policies, and procedures. 

    One tenured, tenure-track, or full-time, permanent faculty member elected from each academic college. Faculty elected to serve on this committee should have experience directing an education abroad program and have experience with budgeting and international risk management best practices.鈥 
    Meeting Time: 
    Once per month during the academic year 

    Term: 2-yrs (colleges are encouraged to support multiple consecutive terms) 

    CM Members

    • Ali Keyvanfar


    • 2022 - 2024
  • Duties: 
    This committee functions as the think-tank for and oversight body for all faculty development programs 

    One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college 

    Meeting Time: 
    At least once per semester 

    Term: 2-yrs (Alternating Departments)

    CM Members

    • NA
    • NA


    • 2022 - 2024
    • 2026 - 2028


    ARCH Members

    • NA


    • 2024 - 2026
  • Duties: 
    Members of these committees evaluate applications and select recipient of the following Faculty Awards funded through the generosity of the KSU Foundation. There are five committees. 

    One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college


    Committee for Teaching Awards 

    Responsible for the Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Online Teaching, and Outstanding Part-Time Teaching awards 

    CM Members

    • Lantz Holtzhower 


    • 2021 -2023

    Committee for the Outstanding Research and Creative Award 

    CM Members

    • Md Hossain


    • 2022 - 2024

    Committee for the Outstanding Diversity and Inclusion Award 

    CM Members

    • Ali Keyvanfar 


    • 2022 -2024

    Committee for the Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Faculty Award for Distinguished International Achievement

    CM Members

    • Pavan Meadati 


    • 2021 - 2023

    Committee for Other Awards

    Responsible for University Distinguished Professor, Outstanding Early Career Faculty, and Outstanding Professional Service and Community Engagement

  • Duties: 
    The GEC is a faculty-driven, student-focused council. The primary goals of the GEC are to (1) develop and maintain a unified, integrated, and effective general education program; (2) ensure alignment with BoR policies, as well as KSU policies and mission; (3) identify and align the learning outcomes of core curriculum courses; (4) determine whether courses fit into the core curriculum; (5) communicate with administration, faculty, and staff regarding core curriculum and general education; and (6) serve as a resource to the KSU community. 

    Membership is limited to full-time faculty. Members may have administrative duties in their department or college at or below a director level. 

    Meeting Time: 

    Monthly during the academic year 

    Term: 3-yrs (A voting member may serve two consecutive terms but must take at least one term off before serving again) 

    CM Members

    • Jacqueline Stevens


    • 2021 - 2024
  • Duties: 
    The GPCC receives graduate course and program proposals from colleges and departments and ensures their compliance with University policies and goals for graduate education. This committee also approves changes in post-baccalaureate curriculum, including the addition or deletion of courses, approval of new programs or concentrations, and changes in program requirements. The committee recommends or reviews changes in graduate policies and procedures and monitors assessment of graduate programs. The committee鈥檚 recommendations will be directed to the Associate Vice President for Curriculum, Dean of The Graduate College, Provost, and President for their action, and to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for monitoring GPCC activities. The committee also makes recommendations regarding the curriculum development and review process to the Faculty Senate. 

    Two members of the Graduate Faculty (Full or Provisional 色色啦) from each college housing a graduate program 

    Meeting Time: 
    Monthly during the academic year 

    Term: 3-yrs

    CM Members

    • Sanjeev Adhikari 
    • Minsoo Baek


    • 2020 - 2023
    • 2022 - 2025
  • Duties: 
    ITAC Committee is to: 1) facilitate dialogue between the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), the Faculty Senate, the colleges, and the operational units of the University; 2) provide a forum for students, faculty, and staff to make recommendations concerning access to and use of information technology; and 3) provide feedback about new applications, operating system upgrades, instructional technologies, and respective deployments. ITAC shall appoint working committees and subcommittees as needed to advance the work of ITAC. 

    One representative from each degree-granting college 

    Meeting Time: 
    At least twice per semester between August and May 
    Term: 2-yrs

    ARCH Members

    • Jeffrey Collins


    • 2021 - 2023
  • Duties: 
    Advisory group to the Dean of Library Services and liaison with each college and group represented regarding library needs and issues. It will make recommendations and advise the Dean of Library Services in the development and refinement of library policies. The results of this committee鈥檚 work will be reported to the Dean of Library Services, Provost, and President.鈥 

    One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college 

    ARCH Members

    • Timothy Frank


    • 2022 - 2024
  • Duties: 
    This committee evaluates proposed changes to the undergraduate curriculum for consistency with University policies and goals and forwards approved proposals to the Provost. This body provides periodic reports of its actions to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. As needed, this body makes policy recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding the undergraduate curriculum development and review process. 

    Two representatives from each degree-granting college 

    Meeting Time: 
    At least twice per semester between August and May 


    ARCH Members

    • Jeffrey Collins 


    • 2021 - 2023


    CM Members

    • Hussein Abaza 


    • 2021 - 2023
  • Duties: 
    This committee will serve as an advisory group to the Vice Provost for Global Affairs and will represent their respective college or unit concerning global interests and issues. It will make recommendations and advise the Vice Provost in the area of global engagement and strategic planning, among other duties, as designated. The committee will review, measure and, evaluate strategic initiatives for global engagement programing, including the Global Engagement Certification. The results of this committee鈥檚 work will be reported to the Provost and President. 

    One elected or appointed faculty member from each degree-granting college to serve as that college鈥檚 representative and global affairs coordinator. It is recommended that each degree-granting college have a global affairs committee and the chair or an active member of that committee, who has conducted a study abroad trip, serve as the college鈥檚 representative and coordinator and assist in coordinating international activities within the鈥痗ollege on behalf of the committee. 

    3-yr, renewable

    CM Members

    • Ali Keyvanfar 


    • 2021 - 2024

Other University Committees

  • Duties: 
    The Education Abroad Advisory Committee of the Faculty Senate (EAAC) collaborates with the Education Abroad Office and the Division of Global Affairs as an advisory and decision-making committee to review education abroad program proposals and to make policy recommendations for Education Abroad campus-wide. The EAAC works collaboratively with the university鈥檚 academic colleges and departments, and the Education Abroad Office to support programmatic development and program quality through the review of program proposals and associated policies.  

    One elected representative from each degree-granting college鈥 

    Meeting Time: 
    4 meetings per academic year. 

    Term: 2-yrs

    ARCH Members

    • Pegah Zamani


    • 2022 - 2024
  • Membership: One elected representative from each degree-granting college 


    • Amaal Al Shenawa 


    • 2022 - 2024
  • The below service is to be confirm as it is of appointment outside of the College or Department. 

    An advisory review body to the office of the Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs. One tenured faculty representative from degree granting academic colleges.   

    Term: 2-yrs 

    CM Members

    • Pavan Meadati


    • 2022 - 2024
  • Appointed by the VPR in consultation with college deans. 
    Term: 3-yrs staggered 

    CM Members

    • Ali Keyvanfar


    • 2020 - 2023

Staff University Committees/Councils

  • Elections run by the Staff Senate.  Member elected by the constituents for the College. 

    Term: 3-yr


    • Dorianne Gutierrez 


    • 2021 - 2024
  • Term: Indefinite


    • Rachel Kidd-Chancey 


    • 2021

Student Organizations/Competition Teams

  • ARCH

    • AIAS 
    • NOMAS
    • APX 
    • Tau Sigma Delta 


    • Arief Setiawan 
    • Giovanni Loreto 
    • Timothy Frank 
    • Andrew Payne


    • 2014
    • 2018
    • 2015
    • 2022
  • CM

    • AGC

    • AEE
    • NAHB

    • AACEI
    • IFMA
    • MCAA
    • SLC
    • KWIC
    • NECA


    • Ali Keyvanfar 
    • Sanjeev Adhikari 
    • Jacqueline Stephens
    • Dave Peeples
    • Lantz Holtzhower
    • Zuhair El-Itr 
    • Parminder Juneja 
    • Lantz Holtzhower
    • Lantz Holtzhower
    • Stephanie Vereen
    • Amaal Al Shenawa 
    • Hussein Abaza 


    • 2020
    • 2020
    • 2019
    • 2022
    • 2020
    • 2018
    • 2022
    • 2022
    • 2022
    • 2022
    • 2019
    • 2019