Waiver Type: Tuition: Out of State Portion of Tuition Only
WAOC Academic Common Market
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Students selected to participate in a program offered through the Academic Common Market
Required Documentation: Acceptance letter in the program; LPV documentation
Expiration: Contingent upon continuous enrollment in the approved ACM program
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WACF, WATF, WINF, Presidential Academic, Presidential Athletic, Presidential International
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Selected by the president or authorized representative not to exceed 2% of full time students enrolled in the fall term immediately preceding the term for which the waiver has been granted. 3 main categories: Academic, Athletic, and International
Required Documentation: See Presidential waiver criteria and programs who award waivers in this category for
documents required
Expiration: Determined by the President or authorized representative
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WEMD Full-Time Employee of University System of Georgia
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Full-time employees of USG, their spouses and dependent children.
Required Documentation: Letter from home institution; marriage certificate; relationship documentation; LPV
Expiration: Twelve Months fromIssuance
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WFTE Full-Time Employee of Public Schools of Georgia or The Technical College System
of Georgia
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Full-time employees of GA Public Schools or Technical College System of Georgia and their spouse and dependent children.
Required Documentation: Copy of contract or letter from HR; relationship documentation; LPV documentation
Expiration: Twelve Months from Issuance
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WFTM Full-Time EmployeeTeachers employed on military bases in Georgia
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Full-time teachers employed on a military bases in Georgia. Not eligible for spouse
or dependents.
Required Documentation: Copy of contract or letter from HR; relationship documentation; LPV documentation
Expiration: Twelve Months from Issuance
Granted By: Enrollment Customer Service Center
WCCO Career Consular Officials
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Career consular officers, their spouses, and the dependent children who are citizens
of the foreign nation that their consular office represents and who are stationed
and living in GA under orders oftheir government.
Required Documentation: Copy of the consular official's A visa; letter from consulate verifying employment;documentation
of relationship(spouse or child); housing; student's immigration documents
Expiration: Twelve Months from Issuance
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WMIL Active Duty Military
Primary Eligibility Requirements:
- the military sponsor is currently stationed in or assigned to Georgia;
- the military sponsor previously stationed in or assigned to
Georgia is reassigned outside of Georgia, and the student(s) remain(s) continuously
enrolled in a Georgia high school, Technical College System of Georgia institution, and/or a University System of Georgia institution; or,
- the military sponsor is reassigned outside of
Georgia and the spouse and/or dependent children remain in Georgia; or,
- the military sponsor is stationed in a state contiguous
to the Georgia border and resides in Georgia; or,
- dependent children of a military sponsor, previously stationed in or assigned to
Georgia within the previous five years or the child completed at least one year of high school in Georgia; or,
- any student utilizing VA education benefits transferred from a currently serving member
is also eligible, even if the student is no longer a dependent of the transferor.
Required Documentation: Based upon which option of eligibility the student qualifies for. Documentation may include any of the following: Military orders and military ID; documentation of relationship (spouse/child); documentation of previous orders in Georgia; documentation of Georgia high school attendance; VA Certificate of Eligibility
Expiration: Contingent upon continuous enrollment
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WNGM GA National Guard and U.S.Military Reservists
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Active members of GA National Guard, stationed or assigned to GA or active members of U.S. Military reserves based in GA, their spouse and dependent children.
Required Documentation: Orders; military ID; marriage certificate; documentation of relationship (spouse/child);
housing; LPVdocumentation
Expiration: Contingent upon continuous enrollment
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WCED Students CompetitiveEconomic Development Projects
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Students certified by Commissioner of the GA Department of Economic Development as
being part of a competitive economic development project.
Required Documentation: Letter from the GA Department of Economic Development; LPV documentation
Expiration: Contingent upon continuous enrollment
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WGBC Students in GA BasedCorporations or Organizations
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Students who are employees of GA based corporations that have contracted with the
Board of Regents through University System institutions to provide out-of-state tuition
Required Documentation: List of eligible Employees from the contracting company; LPV documentation
Expiration: The period of time specified on the contract.
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Any student who enrolls in a University System institution as a participant in an
international or domestic direct exchange program that provides reciprocal benefits
to University System students.
Required Documentation: List of students and enrolled program from Institute for Global Initiatives
Expiration: End of Term
Granted By: Global Education
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Granted if the student or student's parent, spouse or US Court- Appointed legal guardian
relocated to GA to accept full time job offer in the state of Georgia. Job offer must
have been accepted prior to moving to Georgia and not for the purposes of attending
a higher education institution. If the employee is a Non-Resident of the U.S., their
employer must actively be sponsoring the employee to obtain Permanent Residency in
the United States.
Required Documentation: Letter from Employer; housing information; relationship documentation; LPV documentation;
If a Non-Resident of the US, USCIS documentation of green card process, sponsor letter
from employer, and GA tax return for most recent tax year
Expiration: Twelve Months fromIssuance
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Any student who enrolls a Study Abroad program may have their out-of-state tuition
waived and in some cases student fees waived. Determined by registration of full schedule
for the term.
Required Documentation: Situational based upon registration
Expiration: End of Term
Granted By: Global Education
WRSM Recently Separated Military Personnel
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Members of a uniformed military service of the U.S., their spouse/dependents, who has separated from active duty service within the last 36 months and residing in Georgia; Or any individual using VA educational benefits to pay for school and residing in Georgia; Or any individual as described in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c).
Required Documentation: DD214; housing information; Relationship documentation (spouse/child); LPV documentation;
Certificate of Eligibility from the VA if a covered individual
Expiration: Contigent upon continous enrollment
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WNRS Non-Resident Student
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Granted if the parent, US Court-Appointed Legal Guardian, or spouse of the student
has maintained domicile in the state of GA for at least 12 consecutive months.
Required Documentation: 12 months of housing information or most recent tax return; GA resident's GA driver鈥檚 license; relationship documentation; LPV documentation for student
Expiration: Contigent upon continous enrollment
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WVRS Vocational Rehabilitation Waiver
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Students enrolled in USG institution based on a referral by the Vocational Rehabilitation
Program of the GA Department of Labor or Department of Veterans Affairs.
Required Documentation: Housing information; GA driver鈥檚 license; referral letter from the GA Vocational Rehabilitation Program or Department of Veteran Affairs; LPV documentation
Expiration: Contingent upon duration specified on the Vocational Rehabilitation referral paperwork
Granted By: The Office of the Registrar
WRGS Research & Comprehensive University Graduate Student
Primary Eligibility Requirements: Enrolled in a Graduate program and meets the eligibility requirements specified by
the Graduate College
Required Documentation: See Graduate College; LPV documentation
Expiration: As specified by the Graduate College
Granted By: Graduate College