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NAME OF BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION NATURE OF BUSINESS Person who has Significant Financial Interest Self  FORMCHECKBOX  Spouse  FORMCHECKBOX  Dependent Child  FORMCHECKBOX  Nature of Significant Financial Interest (Circle all that apply) Equity interest Consulting or employment Director, officer, partner, agent, managerial or advisory position Receipt of loan or gift Receipt of honoraria for papers, lectures Receipt of royalty revenue Other (please specify below) Relationship of external entity or activity to instructional, research, or service activities proposed for funding by federal agencies (Circle all that apply) External entity sponsors instructional, research, or service activities for which I am Principal Investigator. External entity sponsors instructional, research, or service activities in which I participate. External entity does not sponsor my instructional, research, or service activities, but my instructional, research, or service activities could have financial implications for the external entity. Other (please specify below) Please provide any additional information, which will assist the University in reviewing and managing this Disclosure Statement. An additional sheet may be attached. In submitting this form, I affirm that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and that I have read the Universitys Guidelines and Procedures on Conflicts of Interests Policies. ___________________________________ ________________________ Principal Investigator Date To be retained in a confidential file in the Office of the Vice President for Research     PAGE  PAGE 2 KSU OGC Form B (08/08) Complete this form when YES block on Disclosure Questionnaire (Form A) is selected. 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