Opposite Arrows

Traveling Exhibition—Learn What Shapes Immigration History and Policy

Five key moments emerge as turning points in U.S. immigration policy: 1790, 1882, 1924, 1948, and 1965. This exhibit explores the impact of these turning points and the factors that influenced them, from global conflicts and economic conditions to cultural trends and social aspirations.

Created alongside the exhibition, the  draws on testimony gathered through the Legacy Series as well as ongoing interviews with people who have first or second-hand experiences of immigration. For more information on how you can contribute to Immigrant Stories, please contact curator Adina Langer by email alanger@kennesaw.edu or by phone at 470-578-2083.

Exhibit Supplements

Virtual Tour

Preview the exhibit on SeekBeak!

Audio Guide


      • Click for all metadata associated with this audio guide. 

Digital Exhibition

Visit this digital exhibit to explore visitors’ ideas about American identity and immigrant heritage, mapped to the places around the world where they trace their families’ origins. Share your own stories through our , and our curator will add them to the map!

Gallery Guide

As you explore the exhibit, take along this guide to help you better understand the bolded terms you encounter on the panels.

Gallery GUIDE

Immigration and World History Timeline

Explore this examining immigration throughout history across the globe, or download our classroom version.