Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)

Each academic program includes a set of PSLOs approved by the department faculty. These serve as a useful guide for understanding how a course contributes to the broader objectives of the overall program. The PSLOs for each program are published in the catalog.


Course Syllabus Design

Faculty are required to update course syllabi each semester with current course information as listed in OwlExpress and the Catalog. Each syllabus must include the components outlined in the KSU Syllabus Checklist. Departments will collect all syllabi for each course section and ensure they meet the requirements specified in the KSU Syllabus Checklist.

The KSU Syllabus Template provides faculty and students with a comprehensive set of policies and resources designed to support academic success and well-being. The Institutional Syllabus Policies, Procedures, and Resources serves as a central reference point, offering vital academic resources, guidelines for grade appeals, and essential student support services. Since the content on this webpage is reviewed and updated annually, it is recommended to include only the link in the syllabus to ensure students have access to the most up-to-date information.


KSU Syllabus Checklist KSU Syllabus Template KSU Core IMPACTS Syllabus Templates Institutional Policies, Procedures, and Resources