Computing Showcase (C-Day)

Fall 24 Program

The College of Computing and Software Engineering (CCSE) Computing Showcase (C-Day) is a biannual event that takes place at the end of fall and spring semesters where participating students showcase some of the richest activity at CCSE. As students prepare for graduation they present posters and games highlighting their experiences within internships, team projects, and capstone and thesis work. Follow us on 

Best Project in Each Category Rubric

Undergraduate and graduate projects: scale 0- 10 with 0 representing "Poor" and 10 representing "Exceeds Expectations"
  • Successfully completed stated project goals and reported deliverables (0-10)
  • Methodology/Approach: All required elements are clearly visible, organized, and articulated (0-10)
  • Effective verbal presentation (0-10)
  • Evidence of Rigor (0-10)
  • Merit and Broader impact (0-10)


Games: scale 0 - 10 with 0 representing "Poor" and 10 representing "Awesome"
  • TECHNICAL: Technically sound with appropriate visual & audio fidelity(0-10)
  • GAMEPLAY: Engaging & Fun, with an intuitive UI. Rules of play are clear. Includes a win/lose state(0-10)
  • ORIGINALITY: Sound, Art, Design, or Code(0-10)
  • Evidence of Rigor (0-10)
  • Merit and Broader impact (0-10)

Student Information

Getting started, registration information, project templates, poster templates and more.

Check out our that goes through all the steps necessary to submit your project.

STEP 1 - by 5:00 PM on Monday, April 7th

Submission Instructions:

  1. Every team member must create a free Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) account at  
  2. After all individual accounts are created, one representative from each team must submit the project and add all team members as co-authors at
  3. Read through the on how to register your project in CMT.
  4. Project Information submitted must include the title, abstract, author(s) information, and type of the project (PhD/Graduate/Undergraduate Capstone/Research).

If you have questions, email Svetlana Peltsverger at 

The deadline to register your poster/game/project is 5:00 PM on Monday, April 7th. All submissions will be publicly available on the CCSE website. No late submissions will be accepted.

All project completed by the CCSE students enrolled in any KSU courses in the current semester or any KSU student taking AI, CGDD, CS, CSE, DATA, DS, IT, STAT, and SWE courses during the current semester are eligible to participate.

Exploratory projects, project completed by teams of six or more students, and projects that were not supervised or co-supervised by CCSE Instructors will not be judged. Those projects will be featured in the program in a separate category. 

Submissions must include:

  • Draft Poster(see templates below):
    • Project Title
    • Project Description
    • Introduction/Abstract/Scope
    • Analysis of the process, methods used, data collection method(s), etc.
    • Results/Findings/Interpretation:
            - Preliminary for the Application submission; and
            - Final for the Final Project submission.
    • Conclusion (Preliminary conclusion for application; final conclusion for final submission)

Highly Recommended Project Website

Information about team members (roles in the project, pictures, projected graduation date, a desire to intern, a dream job, other projects you worked on and a way to be contacted, LinkedIn link).
Your site will be linked to the program on the CCSE website. You can change information on your site any time. This will help you with the job/internship search.
The project website information can be added later when your project is selected. The website will not be used in the selection process.
Examples:  and 


The departments review all C-Day submissions

STEP 3 - on Friday, April 11th

Students will receive Notification of Acceptance.

Students and advisors will be informed on Friday, April 11th, if their project, game, or poster has been chosen for C-Day, although we will try to announce it earlier, ideally by Friday. The acceptance email will provide the assigned project number, which is necessary for the following step. Step 4 is only for students with projects that have been accepted.

STEP 4 - by 5:00 PM on Monday, April 14th

Final Submissions of required documents of accepted projects due by 5:00 PM on Monday, April 15th.

Documents Required for Accepted Projects
Have the following ready prior to starting the process:

  • Project Identifier (Primary Subject Area & Paper ID 鈥 i.e., GMR-104 鈥 for Graduate Masters Research paper ID 104)
  • Project Description
  • Prerecorded presentation file (video 鈥 mandatory)
  • Poster in PDF & PPT format (mandatory)
  • 30 sec video for flash presentation (optional). We encourage all participants to submit their best work for inclusion.

Accepted Project Document Submissions

  • Select the folder that corresponds with the type of project you are submitting(i.e. Graduate Masters Research)
  • Select the foler with your project identifier (i.e. GMR-104)
  • Upload your post in PDF and PPT format
    • Save both formats as "Poster-Project-Identifier" (i.e. Poster-GMR-104)
  • Upload your video presentation file
    • Save the video as 鈥淰ideo鈥揚roject-Identifier鈥 (i.e., Video-GMR-104)
      • MP4 is preferred, but MOV, WMV, AVI, and MPEG4 are acceptable as well
  • Upload your 30 second video for Flesh Presentation
    • Save the video as "Flash-Project-Identifier" (i.e. Flash-GMR-104)
    • While participation in the flash session is not mandatory, it will increase your chance of winning the competition

Poster Resources

Poster Templates

Template 1
c-day poster template example one, three basic columns on white background
Template 2
c-day template 2, three column layout with four pannels on the rioght ,one large middle pannel, ands four pannels on the right.

Template 3

c day template example three, four pannels on the left, one large middle panel, ad four pannels on the right,on gray background


Template 4

c day template 4