Join the Kennesaw State University Bands for the 4th Annual KSU Summer Band Directors
Symposium. Featured guest clinician, Jerry Junkin, Director of Bands at the University
of Texas at Austin will join David Kehler, Director of Bands at Kennesaw State University
for this special 4-day workshop. In addition, KSU Band faculty, Brandon Meeks and
David Roush, along with instrumental music education faculty, Rachel Sorenson will
present sessions on pedagogy and teaching for band. This symposium for middle and
high school band directors will provide morning conducting sessions in front of a
large band ensemble playing significant high school and middle school repertoire followed
by afternoon sessions on technique, rehearsal strategy, literature, repertoire, and
instrumental pedagogy. Directors may register as either a conducting participant or
a non-conducting auditor.
June 9-12, 2025
Conducting Participant: $450.00
Non-Conducting Participant: $195.00
University Student Auditor (must be 18 or older): $95.00
*Detailed Schedule
Schedule coming soon!
Featured Clinicians
David Kehler
David Kehler serves as Director of Bands and Professor of Music at the Bobbie Bailey School of Music where he is Music Director and Conductor of the KSU Wind Ensemble. In addition, Dr. Kehler teaches courses in instrumental conducting, symphonic repertoire, and twentieth century music. Professor Kehler is also the recipient of several awards including the Kennesaw State University College of Arts 2020 Teaching Award, and the 2021 Research and Creative Activity Award. An advocate of new music, Dr. Kehler has commissioned more than two-dozen composers, including several Pulitzer Prize winners to write new compositions for wind ensemble. In addition to his university responsibilities, David Kehler serves as Music Director and Conductor of the Atlanta Wind Symphony, along with serving on the Board of Directors for the College Band Directors National Association, and as the CBDNA Southern Division President.
Previously, David Kehler served as Associate Conductor of America's Premiere Windband; The Dallas Winds and served as Founder and Conductor of the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra Wind Symphony. Previous academic appointments were at Southern Methodist University, the University of Rhode Island, and Bay City Western High School, in Bay City, Michigan. Growing up in Michigan, Dr. Kehler received his Bachelor of Music Education and Master of Music in Conducting degrees from Michigan State University, followed by his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in instrumental conducting from the University of Texas at Austin.
Jerry Junkin
Serving since 1988 on the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the Vincent R. and Jane D. DiNino Chair for the Director of Bands, in addition to serving as a University Distinguished Teaching Professor, Jerry Junkin is recognized as one of the world’s most highly regarded wind conductors. Previously, he served on the faculties of both the University of Michigan and the University of South Florida. In addition to his responsibilities as Professor of Music and Conductor of the Texas Wind Ensemble, he serves as Head of the Conducting Division and teaches courses in conducting and wind band literature. He is a recipient of multiple teaching awards, and students of Mr. Junkin hold major positions throughout the world.
He has served as Music Director and Conductor of the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia since 2003, and as Artistic Director and Conductor of the Dallas Winds since 1993. Additionally, he serves as visiting professor and principal guest conductor of the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Wind Ensemble in Kawasaki, Japan. In 2005 he was presented the Grainger Medallion by the International Percy Grainger Society in recognition of his championing of Grainger’s works. A recipient of the Kappa Kappa Psi Distinguished Service to music Award, he was the 2012 Texas Bandmaster of the Year and in 2015 received the Medal of Honor from the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic. He was the 2017 Phi Beta Mu International Bandmaster of the Year and recipient of the CBDNA Lifetime Achievement Award.
Jerry Junkin is an enthusiastic advocate of public school music education, having conducted All-State bands and festivals in forty-eight states and on five continents. He spends his summers in residence at the Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan, as well as appearing at major music festivals throughout the world. Mr. Junkin has served as President of the Big XII Band Director's Association and is a member of the Board of Directors of The John Philip Sousa Foundation, is Past-President of the American Bandmasters Association, and Past-President of the College Band Directors National Association. Regularly making guest appearances with ensembles such as the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra and the Taipei Symphonic Winds, the current season finds him conducting throughout the United States in addition to appearances in Japan, China, and Europe. Jerry Junkin is a Yamaha Master Educator.
David Roush
David Roush
Prior to completing his graduate studies and arriving at Kennesaw State, David was
an active music educator in the public schools of Illinois, serving from 2013-2019
as Band Director for the North Clay and Neoga School Districts. In these roles, David
taught band for grades 4-12, guiding his students from their first sounds until their
high school graduation. During this time, the bands under his direction consistently
sent students to Illinois All-District and All-State festivals, received high marks
from adjudicators, and were selected multiple times to perform at state-level athletic
David holds a bachelor of music degree in Music Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a master of music degree in Wind Conducting from the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities, and a doctor of musical arts degree in Wind Conducting from Northwestern University. He has studied conducting with Dr. Mallory Thompson, Dr. Emily Threinen, and Dr. Linda Moorhouse, and in 2019 he was chosen as one of 12 Conducting Fellows at the Midwest Clinic’s Reynolds Conducting Institute. David currently maintains active memberships in the College Band Director’s National Association, National Band Association, and the National Association for Music Education.
Brandon Meeks
Brandon Meeks is from Charlotte, North Carolina, and is currently the director of athletic bands and assistant professor of music education at Kennesaw State University. He is a graduate of Florida State University where he received his PhD and master’s in music education. He is also a graduate of Western Carolina University where he received a Bachelor of Science in music education. From 2009-2016, he served as the director of bands at East Lincoln Middle School in Iron Station, N.C. Dr. Meeks is a National Board-Certified Teacher, holds honorary memberships to Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, was named the 2013 East Lincoln Middle School Teacher of the Year, and was named the 2016 N.C. South Central Bandmasters Young Director Award for Excellence. He is an active presenter across the Southeast and currently resides in Woodstock, Georgia.
Rachel Sorenson
Dr. Sorenson is Assistant Professor of Music Education (Instrumental) at Kennesaw State University. She holds degrees from Stetson University and Florida State University, where she completed an MME and Ph.D in music education. She has taught a wide range of courses at Purdue University, Fort Wayne, as well as at Florida State, and previously served as a band director in the Central Florida area. An active scholar, she has been published in Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Contributions to Music Education, and in Research Perspectives in Music Education, and has presented nationally and internationally. Her research interests include pre-service music teacher preparation, mentoring, and the Impostor Phenomenon.
Repertoire for Conducting Participants
Respective registration also includes 2 lunches and two happy hour gatherings!
Group 1 (Grades 2-3)
Steven Bryant- Dusk
Charles Carter – Overture for Winds
Michael Colgrass- Old Churches
Frank Erickson – Air for Band
Cait Nishimura – Chasing Sunlight
Group 2 (Grades 4-5)
Malcom Arnold/Paynter – Prelude, Siciliano and Rondo (choose any movement)
Kevin Day- A Hymn for Peace
Gustav Holst – 2nd Suite in F (mvt I, II, III, IV- choose any movement)
Conducting Participant Registration ends May 2, 2025.
Price: $450.00 (first 20 to register).
Conducting participants need to select the repertoire they will conduct.
Non-Conducting Participant and College Student Auditor Registration ends May 30, 2025.
Price: $195.00
University Student Auditor Registration ends May 30, 2025.